Students stand to benefit from expert learning tools, courses and guidance. Premium content hosting users/students can make money as hobbyists by providing premium content in areas of their interest.
Premium content hosts, students or hobbyists, can get paid at the same rate as teachers by hosting premium content and getting subscribers. Examples of what Premium User Hosts might post including learning reviews, tips on makeup, workout routines, cooking, blogging techniques, etc.
If Premium User Hosts have 1,000 monthly premium subscribers, they make $3,000 a month in passive income. That's $36,000 a year.
If they get 10,000 monthly premium subscribers, they make $30,000 a month in passive income. That's $360,000 a year.
Teachers stand to benefit from opportunities to make money, the tools and guidance we provide, and our extensive learning network.
Coachable is a popularity meritocracy. The teachers who host the best content and are most followed make the most money. To make money you have to be able to reach people.
Coaches with 1,000 monthly premium subscribers make $3,000 a month in passive income. That's $36,000 a year.
Coaches with 10,000 monthly premium subscribers make $30,000 a month in passive income. That's $360,000 a year.