Verified Coaches must pass Coach Certification and meet Coachable Standards to teach on our platform. Otherwise, they must have significant experience or meet rigorous requirements to receive the status of a Verified Coach. Verified Coaches have priority on our platform when appearing in search results and must meet strict requirements to attain their status.
Coachable offers certifications, awards, and degrees, accredited through the Coachable Higher Education Standards Board, to students who go through rigorous programs and meet Coachable's highest educational standards or otherwise show outstanding accomplishment. These certifications, awards, and degrees require mastery by students, who must meet the uncompromising criteria required to complete the programs. These acknowledgements represent thorough understanding of applicable knowledge and can be used as official references to show proficiency and understanding in professional and educational pursuits. We encourage those who finish our programs to cite their Coachable Accomplishments on resumes and as references of achievement.